Each booklet includes a reply slip offering a free Bible or New Testament and literature explaining the Way of Salvation. The following are excerpts from some of the replies we received:
"I read ‘No Longer Hoping’ and it inspired me greatly.
I would like to have a free Bible, the one that contains both Old and New Testaments."
"I would be grateful if you could send me all I have ticked on your list. I have just lost my husband and am at a low ebb.
I read a lot, which is a great help."
"I am part of an Adoration Group. Please send me a Bible and copies of ‘Easter in Ireland’."
"Please send me a Bible in big print, as I cannot see very well."
"I would like you to send me a Bible and literature explaining the way of salvation, as my Christmas present."
"Thank you very much for the lovely Bible you sent me. I will do my best to read it every day."
"I would be most grateful if you could send me a Bible."
"I have found the Booklet very inspiring and encouraging. I would be grateful to receive a Bible."
"I read the book ‘No Longer Hoping’. Jesus is our only hope of being saved."
"Thank you for sending me this lovely little book at this time. Things are not going well at the moment, but I know with God’s help I will get there."
"I love reading about God. I always wanted a Bible. Thanks very much."
"Thank you so much for your little book. It seems too good to be true to get something so good free of charge."
"Please pray for me and my family."
"Many thanks for your beautiful little book. I would love to receive a Bible."
"I enjoyed reading your booklet. Please pray for my soul."
"I received your booklet, ‘No Longer Hoping’. Enclosed in the booklet you are offering a Bible free of charge, which I would like to receive."
"I was reading the booklet ‘No Longer Hoping’, and was fascinated by the book. I would love the honour of receiving a Bible for myself, and also one for my mother, who would treasure it dearly. So if it is possible could I have two Bibles?"
"I very much enjoyed reading ‘No Longer Hoping’. I think it is because it was what I thought myself for this past number of years, but still not sure. Now I feel sure."
"What is Heaven like?"
"I found you books very helpful. Would it be too much to ask for a Bible?"
"I repented. I was sorry and asked God to forgive me"
"You gave me more information than I ever got"
"Could you send me Scriptures to help me become more close to Christ? I feel the time is right"
"I would be eternally grateful if you would send me the Bible"
"I found the booklet very interesting, and in today’s world we need some hope"
"I saw your literature which says ‘No Longer Hoping’. Thank you very much for this precious gift"
"The day I received the book entitled ‘No Longer Hoping’, it could not have come at a better time.
It gave me hope and lifted my spirits"
"After reading your book ‘No Longer Hoping I was so happy that I had to give it to my son to read.
He also found it very interesting. Can you please send us a Bible or two?"
"I just want to say ‘Thank You’ for the lovely Bible. I enjoy reading it"
"I read about sin. I clearly think I have sinned. How do we get to Heaven?"
"I have done a lot of bad things, but I am sorry now. I would like to get forgiveness before it is too late"